Last week, We've known what's the purpose of design and shown a simple example. This week I'll introduce visual communication (視覺傳達) and graphic design(平面設計) to you. Since I have more information and experience about this two area, I'll talk about it in an easy way and provide some basic concept for you to apply to anything else.
Most of the time, we combine this two together, since we use visual information to communicate with others through the designed graphic such as infographics(圖表),and this two area have lots of overlapped skill and method. As visual communication, we use lots of 2D elements such as color, typography, sometimes combined shapes and lines to convey ideas, feelings, information that we want to represent. As for graphic design, we also use lots of elements and methods to create a cool poster or layout a wonderful magazine cover. It's obvious that visual communication and graphic design work with similar things and have a close purpose.
Next week, we'll start to talk about the elements in graphic design and visual communication, and give you some useful example that you can use in your powerpoint or your art work immediately.
Thanks for reading. See you.
Design is really interesting and plays a great role in our life, but it is hard to understand for me... so sad. Hope I can get more novel ideas.
回覆刪除BTW, you typed one more word" the" in the first line of the second paragraph.
Thx alot lol.
刪除Hi~This is my first time to your blog.
回覆刪除I have read your two articles and I want to recommend a website to you.
This website is to tell people how to use good design to convey what we conclude or collect in the data.
I think you will like it~
I forget to add the URL...(LOL)
Enjoy it~
Thanks a lot. But I think I need to take some time to read all of the articles xdd.
刪除The video is very cool! Hope we can get more information about Design next time.